Good News Bible Church

Come Home To Good News

Come Discover Grace

Sunday Small Group - 9:45am
Sunday Main Gathering - 10:30am

One of our core values at Good News is "Next Steps". We believe where we're going is more important than where we are or where we have been. With this in mind, Good News has crafted these three steps to help you discover your next steps at here at Good News.

And remember, we are always here to help you and answer any questions you may have. You can talk to any of our Guest Relations Ministry Team members on Sundays or send them an email at

"Welcome Home To Good News"



We want to get to know you, and we want you to get to know us! A great way to make that first connection is to fill out one of the VIP cards on a Sunday morning. As a new person to our church, you are our VIPs. On those cards, there is information for both of us to learn a little more about each other. We also want you to connect with Good News so you can keep in touch with everything that is happening outside of a Sunday morning. Below are the three best ways to do this. 


Step Two: GROW

We care about you! We care about how you are growing as person, how you are growing with others around you, and how you are growing with Jesus. Growth is a very personal thing and not bound by any schedule or formula and there is no finish line to your growth. But Good News still wants to come alongside you, support you, and encourage you through that journey. We want to celebrate with you when you win and comfort you when you fall - the way a family should. Two big stepping stones on your growth journey that we can directly help you with is Baptism and Church Membership. If you are interested in learning more about either of these items, please follow either of the links below.


Jesus is our greatest example on how we should live our lives every single day. We love, because he first loved us. Loving service to others, both inside Good News and out in our community, is very important to us. We have numerous opportunities throughout the year to make a difference out in our community. Good News will always make those opportunities known to you on Sundays and on many places online. For service within our church family, we've made it easy for you to find and connect to volunteer opportunities that are the right fit for you. If you’re unsure of how you can volunteer or know exactly what you would like to help with, we encourage you to get involved by following the link below.

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Good News Bible Church
All rights reserved