In essentials we have unity.
In non-essentials we have liberty.
In all we show love.
We believe that the 66 books of the Bible as originally given are, in their entirety, the Word of God. They are verbally inspired and wholly without error in all that they declare. We are committed to obey them without regard for cultural opinion or consequence. They are the supreme and final authority of faith and life. We are not a translation-specific assembly.
We believe in one God, Creator of all things, infinitely perfect, and eternally existing in three equal persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We believe in the Deity of Jesus Christ who was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin. Having two distinct natures in one person, He is the Eternal Son of God and the Eternal Son of Man. He alone is the giver of eternal life.
We believe the Holy Spirit convicts nonbelievers of the sin of unbelief. At the moment of belief, He permanently indwells all believers, baptizing them into the Body of Christ, and sealing them until the Day of Redemption. As believers say “yes” to the Spirit, He fills and enables them to understand the Bible, walk by faith, worship God, and serve others.
We believe that man was created in the image of God. Through Adam’s sin, the entire human race fell, received a sinful nature, and, as a result, became alienated from God. Apart from divine intervention, man is incapable of restoring his relationship with God.
We believe that our local church is a self-governing assembly of believers, gathering with a pastor-teacher, united in Christ, and holding to similar doctrine and purpose. All believers are members of the universal church and cannot effectively function apart from the local assembly.
We believe the Christian life is primarily a response to God’s love. Just as the Christian life began by faith alone in Christ alone, it continues in the same way. The Christian life is a moment by moment exercise of faith in Christ alone.
We believe in the imminent return of Christ before the Tribulation to gather all believers to Himself. After the Tribulation, Israel will return to the land of promise to enjoy the Millennial Reign of Christ on David’s throne. At the end of the Millennium, Satan’s final judgment will be executed and the final judgment of unbelievers will occur. Finally, a new heaven and new earth will be established for the enjoyment of all believers.
We believe that salvation is the work of God for man, not the work of man for God. It is a gift of God received upon a sinner’s faith in Jesus Christ, who died for our sins, was buried, and boldly raised from death three days later. His act of redemption on the cross satisfied God’s wrath for sins and reconciled God and man.