One word describes who we are and who we strive to be - Grace. We believe that God extends favor to all of us while we are still in our weakness. Because of this, we reject religious systems that focus on earning God’s favor through morality and good works - being a "good person". Because enjoying Grace frees us to love God and others, we can say that we are always turning toward Grace.
Bible teaching is the cornerstone of Good News. We believe the Bible is the book of wisdom that helps us understand God and ourselves. Each week, life-changing biblical truth is presented using understandable language, relevant illustrations, and practical applications.
Authentic relationships permeate Good News. We do not pretend to be something we are not. It’s okay not to be okay at Good News. In addition, our guests notice lively conversations taking place and consistently express appreciation for the sincere welcome they receive. One guest recently said, “The welcome went beyond a handshake and a smile. I feel like the people have genuine interest in me as a person.”
One word captures our responsibility toward God - faith. We begin the Christian life by trusting in Jesus and we live the Christian life the same way. We embrace the simple truth that the best thing we can say about ourselves is "we are learning to walk by faith today".
We are driven by our desire to create a church that is welcoming and understandable to church goers and non-church goers alike. This drives us to evaluate everything we do. Therefore, within the parameters of biblical principles, we work to create church gatherings that make sense to outsiders, doubters, and skeptics.